Friday, December 9, 2011

Halfway there!

Technically today I am 22 weeks, where is the time going??  I am back up and running and I feel like the time is just going to fly by and baby girl will be here before I know it.  Good thing I have already started buying her shoes, haha!  She already has some cute ruffle butt outfits thanks to grandma Schuster, some adorable onsies and newborn handme downs along with the most darling bathing suit EVER from her boyfriend Easton (and momma Amber), cousin Logan was kind enough to send some of his clothes that his Aunt Lynn (ME) had bought for him when he was just a wee little one...this girl already has her wardrobe started and I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Pic of me at 20 weeks with the fam when they were visiting for Thanksgiving ( I personally think it looks like I have a 3rd boob :O)

And at 21.5 weeks
 My belly feels like it is so much bigger in person than it really is and I realize I do still have a long way to go :O YIKES! At least I look pregnant and not just like I eat Thanksgiving dinner everyday :)

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